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Perlokutionen: Begriff und Typologie
Mit Belegen aus den erotischen und konfliktären Dialogen Milan Kunderas

Holger Kuße

Following a discussion of the idea of perlocution as being an effect or an action, it is proposed to understand perlocutions as actions including their consequences. This definition enables a typology of perlocutional acts by their personal subjects (direct recipients: To PROVE; witnesses of a communication: To RIDICULE), by their intended effects within the personal subjects (acts of the recipients: To INSTIGATE; their intentions: To PERSUADE; their cognition: to CONVINCE, or their emotions: to ENJOY) and by the recipients’ interpretations as acts with deceptive content (to PERSUADE), or without any misleading intention (to CONVINCE). The presentation is based on object-lingual and metalingual examples drawn from novels by Milan Kundera. The stories of these novels are essentially driven by the perlocutional, i.e. effect oriented interactions of the protagonists; and for some of these examples these interactions are even the main subject of telling.

Linguistische Beiträge zur Slavistik. XII. JungslavistInnen-Treffen Gießen 2003. Hg. Monika Wingender. München: Sagner 2005 (= Specimina Philologiae Slavicae 144), 49–74.
