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Sie sind hier: Homepage → Treffen → jusla-8 → jusla-Mendoza Singular, Plural und generische Referenz im PolnischenThis paper is concerned with the number of generic noun phrases in Polish. Generally speaking, slavistic scholars have paid little attention to this particular problem. Most studies suggest, albeit in passing, that singular and plural in generic noun phrases are interchangeable. The matter, however, is much more complicated. I found four major criteria which have an impact on the choice of number in generic noun phrases:
All of the above criteria are similar in that the singular relates to the so-called characteristic, or typical features of the class. The plural indicates mere class membership. To be sure, the numbers are indeed often interchangeable. This does not contradict my thesis. Rather it shows that the context of the sentence often allows both the relation to the typical features and the indication of class membership. Linguistische Beiträge zur Slavistik. VIII. JungslavistInnen-Treffen München 1999. Hg. Florence Maurice und Imke Mendoza. München: Sagner 2000 (= Specimina Philologiae Slavicae 131), 183–196. |